Voici les 6 mots liés à la photo ci-dessus.
Here are the 6 words related to the picture above:
Here are the 6 words related to the picture above:
- un orgue: an organ
- la salle de concert: tthe concert Hall.
- la scène: the stage.
- les musiciens: the musiciens.
- jouer: to perform
- magnifique, sublime : magnificent
French Verbs:
How to conjugate in present indicative?
---->drop the infinitive ending (-er) and replace by: -e, -es, -e, -ons, -ez, -ent.
French Present Indicative of "jouer" (to perform/ to play)
French Affirmative Form - (I am performing / I perform):
French Negative Form - (I am not perforing, I do not perform):
je joue (I perform) | nous jouons (we perform) |
tu joues (you perform: sing) | vous jouez (you perform: plur) |
il/elle joue (he/she performs) | ils/elles jouent (they perform) |
French Negative Form - (I am not perforing, I do not perform):
je ne joue pas (I don't perform) | nous ne jouons pas (we do not perform) |
tu ne joues pas(you do not perform: sing) | vous ne jouez pas(you do not perform: plur) |
il/elle ne joue pas(he/she perform) | ils/elles ne jouent pas(they do perform) |
French Interrogative Form - (Are you performing? /Do you perform?):
Est-ce que je joue? (am I performing) | jouons-nous?(are we performing) |
joues-tu (are you performing? sing) | jouez-vous? (are your performing? plur) |
joue-t-il/elle? (is he/she performing?) | jouent-ils/elles? (are they performing?) |
- With "il, elle, on", a t is placed between the verb and the pronoun to make the pronunciation easier: Examples: joue-t-il ce soir? Joue-t-elle ? (does he/she perform tonight?).
- A hyphen is written between the subject and the verb: joues-tu?
- When asking a question with a noun as subject, first state the noun, and then invert the verb and the pronoun subject: les pêcheurs attrapent-ils? (Do the fishermen catch?). Claude chante-t-il? (Is Claude singing?).
How do you say it in French?
"a location" (a position)
----->Allez sur mon blog jumelé www.bostonsnapshot.com (le dernier post) et trouvez la traduction en français.
----- >Go to my sister blog www.bostonsnapshot.com (the last post) and find the french translation .
Bonne chance!
Have you found it? Here is the answer: (highlit the empty box by moving your cursor form left to right :
un endroit |
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